Eden M. Kennedy has acted impulsively in ways she now regrets.

H is for Haggard

I woke up this morning with my hair in all directions, forcing me to consider which in my splendid array of hats I was going to wear to drop off Jackson at school. I said to myself, "God damn, I have to cut my hair again! Every month I have to do this! I am so weary of this low-cost yet time consuming maintenance regime!" Even if I could get past the pain of growing it out, I can still remember back not that long ago when my hair was longer and I was baby fatigued and ten pounds lighter, and how the hair hanging down made me look downright haggard.

And then I thought, Haggard! And perhaps this is what happens to everyone who grew up in Denver at a certain point in time and went to see Jerry Jeff Walker with their best friend, Tamara, at the probably now defunct Rainbow Music Hall, but apart from having the kindest eyes I'd ever seen on a human being, Jerry Jeff sang a song with the refrain that will ring in my ears until the day I die, and maybe after.

M is for the MUDFLAPS on my pickup truck
O is for the OIL* I put in my hair
T is for T-BIRD
H is for HAGGARD
E is for EGGS, and
R is for: REDNECK

*pronounced "earl"

And then I thought, I wonder if you can download that from iTunes?

EDITED TO ADD: you can download it from iTunes but they won't let me link directly to the song, so fuck it. This whole post was sounding like an iTunes ad, anyway.

ALSO, Blogger's doing some maintenance-type things and this blog is occasionally inaccessible. So if you can't read this, keep trying! (That is a hilarious joke just for you.)

Jerry Jeff Walker - 20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collection: The Best of Jerry Jeff Walker - Up Against the Wall, Red Neck

UPDATE: Here's the link to the song, fucking finally:

