Eden M. Kennedy has acted impulsively in ways she now regrets.

Looking Ahead

So! The good people at BlogHer have announced that we're doing another reading night at the conference this July in Chicago. The Community Keynote (which is its fancy name) will be a lot more fun for me this year because I won't be covered in tinsel -- and by that I mean crackling with nerves the entire day of, and man, and I didn't even read anything last year, I just did the introductions. (I did remember to put band-aids on my heels so my shoes wouldn't rub, though, so there's that.)

The point being, the call for submissions was announced today and we've got some dynamite categories this year, so let's go ladies and gents! Let's don some well-fitted brassieres and confidence wigs and nominate the hell out of ourselves.

"All of life's riddles are answered in the movies."