Eden M. Kennedy has acted impulsively in ways she now regrets.

Yellow Alert

New post at Babble: I made it back in time to greet Jackson's one birthday party guest. ONE kid from Jackson's class was not off spelunking the nasal cavities of Mt. Rushmore, or battling sharks off the Great Barrier Reef, or whatever it is kindergarteners do on vacation.

You know what, I posted a cartoon over on Babble the other day, which 47 people saw. It was just a test to see how many people would go over there if I didn't link to it from here. Forty-seven, it turns out. Forty-seven hits and $3.95 will buy me a severance cup of coffee. Hey. How about posting something substantial on Fussy again, Mrs. Kennedy, how about that? Let me just say that, uh, . . . what? Did you say something? Because if whatever you're asking doesn't have to do with winning more KinzCash to feed my son's virtual beagle, Fireball, I cannot help you.

The Mad Cowboy

If Six-year-olds Ran the World