Eden M. Kennedy has acted impulsively in ways she now regrets.


You might want to stop by the NaBloPoMo page as it has been updated with new participants, a RULE, and PRIZES! My disorder is now full-blown and sprouting new symptoms daily, including a Cafe Press shop for BloMo swag. Apologies to the anti-gun lobby but, as someone rightly pointed out, until George Lucas starts returning my calls there will be no Yoda t-shirts. Other suggestions will be seriously considered, though. The stupider the better.

I would also like to point your way toward two other blogs this sunny (where I am) afternoon:

Elizabeth has almost all of her November posts planned out in advance and is holding a sub-BloMo contest for suggestions for five days' topics, the prize for which is plugging your blog on her blog.

You heard me right.

I can't tell you how happy I am that this is bringing out the OCD in someone other than me.

Secondly, go see Erin. Always fearsome with the words, this post makes me want to encourage her to finally write the wholesome and delightful children's book I know is brewing inside her . . . cauldron.

EDITIED TO ADD: Please write out your full url in the comments if you want to be added to the list, that extra step of going to your profile page the figure out where you blog is starting to kill me. Thank you.

Dear Hangover from Saturday Night

Flick Your Bean, Stop the War Machine