Eden M. Kennedy

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The Hodgman-Bamford illustration drama continues, and I'm throwing in the towel. I need to spend some time learning to draw faces and I think that can only be done with a pencil, I am really not ready for ink in this regard. Below is my second try at imagining an exchange between these two cultural treasures, based on the only Twitter interaction I could find for them.

If you look at Maria Bamford's Twitter avatar, you'll see that the expression on her face while lying on the sidewalk being licked by two dogs is one of delighted disgust. I have only managed to place a look of calm and trust on her face, which was not what I was going for. Hodgman's avatar comes a little closer to capturing the original, mostly because it's glasses-and-mustache based, and it was easy to sketch the little peacock in the back. Peacocks are a snap compared to complex human facial expressions.

This last one is supposed to be "a very old tree man" but I couldn't resist putting a crow in there, too.

Turns out crows have a touch of the busybody about them.