Eden M. Kennedy

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As far as the local gentry goes, John Cleese is the only one who both warms my heart and reminds me somewhat of my dad: tall, dark, and angry, but making the effort to tone it down somewhat in the golden years. This interview isn't particularly hilarious (you can read the whole thing here), but it's worth a look, especially if, like me, you are a person who could quote a Python line for almost every occasion, but choose not to.

Cleese I get lots and lots of funny ideas. And I think to myself: what am I going to do? I don't have a show. So it seems to me the best thing I can do is to buy a little camera, write funny things, and then perform them very, very simply in front of this camera, and put it on the Web site the next day. Apparently, there are people who will pay 50 cents a week to download bits of funny material.

Senior What will it be called?

Cleese Well, it can't be John Cleese because some pest has already taken that. So let me just ask my dear assistant. [Speaks to someone in the room.] Oh. Thejohncleese.com.

Senior Would you also want to include a blog?

Cleese Yes. There are all sorts of things I'd put in. I've been thinking of a funny greetings card. I can never find very good funny greetings cards anymore.

Senior Such as?

Cleese I'm sorry I ate your gerbil.

Senior Right.

Cleese I'm extremely sorry I murdered your aunt. I really shouldn't have done it.

Senior Would you collaborate with others on this project?

Cleese Oh yes. I mean, I did think it would be rather funny to do a film about the War of Independence and call it "1776 1/2" and shoot it all at the ranch with three people in each army.

Senior Who would play General Washington?

Cleese My teeth are sufficiently bad. I think Washington would be a doddle to play.

Senior A what?

Cleese Doddle. It means something extremely easy to do. As in "The Life of Brian" when the old man says, "Crucifixion's a doddle." It's one of my favorite lines in all the Python films.