Eden M. Kennedy has acted impulsively in ways she now regrets.

The Dancers

So what if Sweeney buys drinks for Rachel Rabinowitz or Aunt Helen's footman dandles the second parlormaid?

At the rank-and-file Greek furworkers' dinner

at Dante Caterers in Astoria last night

the floor was covered with iridescent vinyl

and the chandeliers were plastic and everyone spoke bad English

and said what a beautiful party

while to the electrified mandolins

of Athanasios and his Ethnorhythmics

the heavy-breasted, lacquered and mascaraed women

arose in their nylon dresses

of chemical turquoise, orange, and shocking pink

and danced with their dapper husbands

the foxtrot, the rhumba, and the lovely dances of Sparta

and did not profane them.

Katha Pollitt, from Antarctic Traveller, 1982

What I Learned in College

Mother's Day Update