Eden M. Kennedy

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Day Four: A Miracle

Okay, kids, for days Four and Five of this month I have an anonymous donor who will match everything you contribute to my Charity Water/Red Cross fund, up to $1,000. If you send $5, I will draw almost whatever you want on a postcard and send it to you, and for $15 I'll frame it, but more importantly, thanks to our anonymous friend, your $5 will magically turn into $10 and your $15 will swell into $30. It will all go straight to the Red Cross AND you'll get the weirdest charity acknowledgment that I've ever heard of. Do it! It's crazy and amazing that whatever you give will be doubled!

In other news, Friday was my -- let's see, we got married in 1996, so that means it was our sixteenth wedding anniversary. Holy shit, right? We've had our ups and downs -- I'd go so far as to say that we've had entire years that weren't a lot of fun -- but things are pretty good right now. So to commemorate the union of one person who loves olives and one person who thinks olives are disgusting (but olive oil is fine, and even kalamata paste is do-able), the non-olive-lover (me) bestowed upon the olive lover (Jack) this handcrafted and badly photographed olive snuggling device:

(Jack got me flowers and sushi, which is exactly what I wanted.)