Eden M. Kennedy

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That's better

Here's the re-do of yesterday's terrible lettering. The lettering is still awkward, but it doesn't have much of a choice given what I'm forcing it to work around. It's purposively awkward, a word I just made up to mean having purpose. I could be making up a word that actually exists with a slightly different arrangement of letters (purportedly? probiotically?) but my brain thinks it's being funny and hiding things from me now. Welcome to middle age. samadhi

This makes me want to illustrate all the yoga sutras. If I start now, I'll only be 150 years old when I'm done, but I'll have achieved the twin purposes of attaining enlightenment and giving my husband a series of rage aneurysms because I should be rewriting my novel instead of trying to draw skinny people doing preposterous things.

I took that real age test today and it said I was ten years younger than I am, so if I can keep going at this rate, when I'm 150 I'll only look 140.


Thanks to Gregor Maehle for his modeling and sutra-explicating skills.