Eden M. Kennedy

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Problem solved!

Well, this was truly a waste of a day off, I didn't get enough sleep last night and now I'm all graggy and unfocused. I did manage to do this:

Want to avoid drawing human legs and feet? Slap in a mermaid. Having trouble drawing eyes? Give her some sunglasses. PROBLEM SOLVED.

I had some wine last night, and normally that wouldn't really matter but I happened to wake up around 4:30 a.m. and I wanted a drink of water, and then I just lay there thinking about my big toe, which has been sensitive lately. Just the top of it. It's not red, I can't see a splinter, it just feels a little sore to the touch, so as of 4:30 this morning I'm pretty sure I have gout. I don't even want to Google it because Google will just laugh at me.