Eden M. Kennedy

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National Blog Posting Month, Day 16

What a weird day. I got up early to go to yoga not realizing that I still had a good half bottle of sake flowing through my bloodstream from last night's sushi with the boys. No, I was too busy patting myself on the back for being up and out the door at 5:30 a.m., I was not attuned to the subtle cries of my liver. By 7:00, about two-thirds of the way through my practice, I decided that the best thing I could do right at that moment would be to project myself back in time so I could get two more hours of sleep. So I did the next best thing, I laid down on my mat and pretended I was dead.

Thus rendering the rest of my day a total miracle!

red eccos

Yes, I kept them, but I haven't worn them yet. However, they will go perfectly with a skirt I purchased today at Nordstrom Rack.

Now that I'm all dressed up, I just need someplace to go.