Eden M. Kennedy has acted impulsively in ways she now regrets.


Okay, so I'm gearing up for National Novel Writing Month, a.k.a. NaNoWriMo, and because I want to overextend myself just that much more I am proposing that everyone commit themselves to NaBloWriMo -- that's right, National Blog Writing Month.

Let's all take the sometimes depressing month of November and post EVERY SINGLE DAY. Perhaps a brief meditation on Tim Allen's career trajectory, an inventory of things found under your bed, the top three things you hate about Sundays, the song that should burst out of loudspeakers every time you enter a room and why; you get the picture. Doesn't have to be earth-shattering. Just the joy of hitting "publish" every day.

And for those without blogs, your mission is simply to de-lurk. Comment on one blog every day. After all, there will be so much to comment on.

Participants, leave your name and url in the comments so we'll know where to find you.

Knock knock

Saturday Morning Thoughts